Dear Internet users.
This homepage is only in Danish, because translating a lot in to English isn’t really me.
First I can explain, that I am a collector of almost anything, that has to do with breweries, but primarily from Denmark. I do not collect beer kegs, beer cans, beers, or beer tops. I have over 45000 different beer and soda lables only from Denmark, together with other things.
If you wish to exchange with me, then there is no problem with doing so. I would be more than happy to exchange Danish labels for other labels, that you might have. It does not count where they come from, though it could be really fun to find things that have to do with Carlsberg and Tuborg, or other breweries from Denmark.
Just e-mail me by clicking on “Contact me here”, with your address and a bit about yourself, then I will send you some labels, and my address.
To help you a bit around on this page, then I will tell you that the danish links on the menu, to the left means:
“Byttecentralen” Here you can see which label, I am looking for, and which I am willing to exchange. This section is only in Danish.
“Hjælp søges” If someone knows where the labels come from, then send a mail to me with the answer.
“Danmarks bryggerier” This is the main part of this page. Here you will find histories, links, pictures and a lot of Danish labels.
“Nye øl” Beer news from Denmark, see almost all the new beers from Denmark.
“Jolly Cola” A name of a Danish Cola. For instance, here you can see things like the labels from the soda.
“samlerforeninger & links” Here you can see the collector clubs that you can find in Denmark, plus a few outside Denmark.
“Min samling” Here you can see my collection in text, what the breweries are called.
“Artikler om bryggerierne” News from the danish newspapers, TV and few from me about danish breweries.
“Hvem er jeg” If you can read danish, then you have a good chance to read about me and my collections and about the town i’m living in, or try using Google translation.